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Welcome to my blog, Hana Tegami! This is the author ShugoOtaku speaking! You can find out all about me down there in the 'About Me' box. The archive can lead you to all the blog posts I've posted so far. You know what? I'm just wasting your time! Go! Enjoy the loveliness that is Hana Tegami!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

FASHION; Put It All On Me

ShugoOtaku calls today: COCO CHANEL SATURDAY!!!

Hey all you blokes out there!! This is another segment of FASHION; Put It All On Me. Alright, how did I get the inspiration to do a FASHION; Put It All On Me segment on Coco Chanel? Well, that's simple. It all started with two of my subjects in school. One: Literature. My Literature teacher was talking about inspirational women, and then gave us our homework. We had to write an essay on our inspirational woman who had brought large change in the world. Of course, I chose Coco Chanel. We also had to do a Powerpoint Presentation on her and present it to the class (mine was a BIG success by the way). In the midst of making this presentation, I noticed something. While searching up pictures of Chanel's clothing and other products, it hit my mind that Coco Chanel is in fact the most inspirational woman in fashion (well, not that I didn't know, it's just that there are so many great women in fashion, it's just hard to pick). She gave us mini-skirts. She removed our corsets. She CREATED the all famous Katie Holmes bob. She was my fashion idol, and everyone else's and will always be remembered for many decades to still come. Then, I had to create a collage of our something (pretty much anything, my teacher said). While others did a collage on themselves, or a country, I did it on a fashion designer and her clothes. None other than Gabrielle Bonheur Coco Chanel. So then, here is her profile.

FULL NAME: Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel
BIRTHPLACE/DAY: Saumur, France on the 19 August 1883
PLACE/DAY OF DEATH (It's so sad, RIP Coco!): Paris, France on the 10 January 1971
FASHION LABELS (Yay!!!): Chanel

Coco Chanel inspired all of us inside, and you know it. And, to show your appreciation to this wonderful woman, drop by www.chanel.com to find out all about Coco Chanel?

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

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