Welcome to Hana Tegami!

Welcome to my blog, Hana Tegami! This is the author ShugoOtaku speaking! You can find out all about me down there in the 'About Me' box. The archive can lead you to all the blog posts I've posted so far. You know what? I'm just wasting your time! Go! Enjoy the loveliness that is Hana Tegami!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Caution! Obsessive Girls on the Loose!!

Good afternoon everyone!! It's your one and only ShugoOtaku speaking! Right, today, it's really boring... I have nothing to do but blog right now. Oh, besides watching anime of course. Um... I'm currently letting those episodes actually load complete, so, I'm using this time to report to you dechu~!

Okay, report time! Weather: super rainy. Sky colour: Super dark. Emotion: Sorta bored. Want to: Eat chocolate and then watch my eppies! Okay, so, last night, my sister was watching this show called The Vampire Diaries. Let me get this straight, this isn't something lame like Twilight and everything. IT'S FRIGGIN' AWESOME. Ahem, back to what I was saying, it's an awesome show, you see. So my sister and I were just watching one of the latest episodes, when suddenly at the end [SPOILER SPOILER NOT GONNA SAY IT]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were like so shocked we sat on our seat for like an hour with out mouths dropped open like we just heard Lady Gaga say she had never drank a martini in her entire life (well, of course it's not true, but, this is just saying). Right, my sister, lasted longer in that phase. When I left to go and shower and everything, she was still there. Even when I started on my studying. Then, in the middle of that studying, I heard like, what was the LOUDEST shriek of shock I've ever heard in my entire lifetime. My brother was like, "WTH was that [SISTER'S NAME NOT STATED!]?!" OMG it was so funny I was like friggin' laughing and and and...! Whoops, sorry there. Alright, I am just telling you this out of... CAUTION?!

There are many crazy obsessed girls out there, so BE CAREFUL. They may be spoilers too! Like, my sister was like, "OMG Chuck Bass (from Gossip Girl) got [SPOILER] and his [SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER] got stolen too OMFG!!!!" And I was like, "Don't friggin' tell me that yet I haven't watched it damnit!" So, next time you meet an obsessive girl... you can:

1)Put on your iPod earpieces and try to block out her rambling with music
2)Keep talking so she can't have any time to talk
3)The best choice: RUN RUN RUN AWAYYYYY


XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

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