Welcome to Hana Tegami!

Welcome to my blog, Hana Tegami! This is the author ShugoOtaku speaking! You can find out all about me down there in the 'About Me' box. The archive can lead you to all the blog posts I've posted so far. You know what? I'm just wasting your time! Go! Enjoy the loveliness that is Hana Tegami!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

FASHION; Put It All On Me

ShugoOtaku calls today: COCO CHANEL SATURDAY!!!

Hey all you blokes out there!! This is another segment of FASHION; Put It All On Me. Alright, how did I get the inspiration to do a FASHION; Put It All On Me segment on Coco Chanel? Well, that's simple. It all started with two of my subjects in school. One: Literature. My Literature teacher was talking about inspirational women, and then gave us our homework. We had to write an essay on our inspirational woman who had brought large change in the world. Of course, I chose Coco Chanel. We also had to do a Powerpoint Presentation on her and present it to the class (mine was a BIG success by the way). In the midst of making this presentation, I noticed something. While searching up pictures of Chanel's clothing and other products, it hit my mind that Coco Chanel is in fact the most inspirational woman in fashion (well, not that I didn't know, it's just that there are so many great women in fashion, it's just hard to pick). She gave us mini-skirts. She removed our corsets. She CREATED the all famous Katie Holmes bob. She was my fashion idol, and everyone else's and will always be remembered for many decades to still come. Then, I had to create a collage of our something (pretty much anything, my teacher said). While others did a collage on themselves, or a country, I did it on a fashion designer and her clothes. None other than Gabrielle Bonheur Coco Chanel. So then, here is her profile.

FULL NAME: Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel
BIRTHPLACE/DAY: Saumur, France on the 19 August 1883
PLACE/DAY OF DEATH (It's so sad, RIP Coco!): Paris, France on the 10 January 1971
FASHION LABELS (Yay!!!): Chanel

Coco Chanel inspired all of us inside, and you know it. And, to show your appreciation to this wonderful woman, drop by www.chanel.com to find out all about Coco Chanel?

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Caution! Obsessive Girls on the Loose!!

Good afternoon everyone!! It's your one and only ShugoOtaku speaking! Right, today, it's really boring... I have nothing to do but blog right now. Oh, besides watching anime of course. Um... I'm currently letting those episodes actually load complete, so, I'm using this time to report to you dechu~!

Okay, report time! Weather: super rainy. Sky colour: Super dark. Emotion: Sorta bored. Want to: Eat chocolate and then watch my eppies! Okay, so, last night, my sister was watching this show called The Vampire Diaries. Let me get this straight, this isn't something lame like Twilight and everything. IT'S FRIGGIN' AWESOME. Ahem, back to what I was saying, it's an awesome show, you see. So my sister and I were just watching one of the latest episodes, when suddenly at the end [SPOILER SPOILER NOT GONNA SAY IT]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were like so shocked we sat on our seat for like an hour with out mouths dropped open like we just heard Lady Gaga say she had never drank a martini in her entire life (well, of course it's not true, but, this is just saying). Right, my sister, lasted longer in that phase. When I left to go and shower and everything, she was still there. Even when I started on my studying. Then, in the middle of that studying, I heard like, what was the LOUDEST shriek of shock I've ever heard in my entire lifetime. My brother was like, "WTH was that [SISTER'S NAME NOT STATED!]?!" OMG it was so funny I was like friggin' laughing and and and...! Whoops, sorry there. Alright, I am just telling you this out of... CAUTION?!

There are many crazy obsessed girls out there, so BE CAREFUL. They may be spoilers too! Like, my sister was like, "OMG Chuck Bass (from Gossip Girl) got [SPOILER] and his [SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER] got stolen too OMFG!!!!" And I was like, "Don't friggin' tell me that yet I haven't watched it damnit!" So, next time you meet an obsessive girl... you can:

1)Put on your iPod earpieces and try to block out her rambling with music
2)Keep talking so she can't have any time to talk
3)The best choice: RUN RUN RUN AWAYYYYY


XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Shugo Update!

YOSHHAAAAA!!!!! It's an update time! This is the little space where I will tell you if there are any changes in my blog, okay, you must have noticed the large Nano by the right hand side, playing the AWESOME SONG.... Hana Tegami. DON'T TRY TO CHANGE TRACKS, it won't change because this is the only song BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! A-ahem, well then, now that you know this update, ciao for now, my little nadashikos.

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

P.S: I'm referring to you as 'little nadashikos', because a 'nadashiko' is actually a type of Japanese Flower.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

FASHION; Put It All On Me

ShugoOtaku calls today: ALEXANDER MCQUEEN MONDAY!!!

Hello all you blokes out there! It's me, awesome blogger ShugoOtaku. Anyway, I'm gonna do these 'FASHION; Put It All On Me' when I feel like doing it, or just when I have a genius idea. Right then, so, today, while I was listening to a tribute about a fore-father in my country who had just perished, and then I was thinking of all the important people who had tragically died. AND THEN. I reached the point of the name: Alexander McQueen. For all those that don't know, lucky for you, that I will post a profile of every fashion designer that I pick for every 'FASHION; Put It All On Me' segment. Right then, on to Alexander MvQueen's profile...

FULL NAME: Lee Alexander McQueen
BIRTHPLACE/DAY: Lewisham (London, UK), 17 March 1969
PLACE/DAY OF DEATH (It's so sad, RIP Alexander!): Mayfair, London, UK,
11 February 2010
FASHION LABELS (Yay!!!): Alexander McQueen, McQ

Now, Alexander McQueen was an amazing man, loyal to fashion, always pleasing his fans/customers. The reason of his death was that his mother had just passed away, and he went under deep depression, I guess he just loved his mama too much (he is SUCH a sweet man, not to mention SOOOO talented!). Okay, I didn't JUST find out that he died recently only. I found out on the date when he actually died. So... as a loving tribute from one of his loving and remorseful fans, why don't you go on over to www.alexandermcqueen.com to check out Alex's great pieces of art? I'm sure it will be a nice experience! There, you can see Alexander's women and men's clothing as well as go through the 'Alexander McQueen Experience'. Ciao for now, my little fashionistas...

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami


Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Beginnings [WOAH. Deep]

Hello everyone, ShugoOtaku here. So, well, just now I was terribly bored, but now, since I am writing to you, I'm not anymore! Well then, yesterday, something amazing happened!!!~~ I moved house! I know, that's not amazing, but the thing is, that I moved from a big bungalow to a average four room apartment. I'm not gonna say what the apartment building's called, I mean, I'm not that stupid as to let it out on internet. But then, it's only because I'm KNOCKIN' DOWN my old house to build a bigger one BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahem, anyway, I think that this'll be a good experience for me. Since this is like, the first time I've moved house, and to a smaller one too, I think that it will be a good lesson learnt for me. I had to cram all my junk into my new (smaller) room, and it was like torture! Actually, my back is like, aching like HELL. But then, for your viewing pleasure, I especially went on the computer (you know typing strains your back and shoulders right><) just to put up a post for your viewing pleasure! I can't go on the computer as frequently as last time, because I have to help my mother and father unpack because I've finished organizing my room already. I also have to help my sister. My brother already has two of his friends helping him with his room, so it's no trouble for him. Oh yeah! I also have to help my maids clean up the house. SERIOUSLY, I HATE IT!!! It's not that I'm lazy to do so, it's just that the floor and everything else is EXTREMELY dirty! The first day (yesterday), when I came, like, I was walking around and everything, and after I finished all my errands and chores, I plopped down on my bed and started to read my current book (Poseur: The Good, The Fab and The Ugly). When, I noticed my FEET, they were revoltingly BLACK BLACK BLACK!!! So I, "EWWWWWWWW"-ed and then went to wash them. But, it was a good chance to show off my cute house slippers I got for Christmas!

You know, despite all this, I still love my new house SO much! But, not as much as I like watching anime. And talking to you too, of course. Well then, toodles.

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

P.S: Have you ever felt, when you moved house, that it's just the start of a new life?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Not Much Time!

OMG I am SOOOOOO sorry! I know I have been going in a blogging hiatus. It's quite obvious. The reason? It's exam period and my Mum banned me from using the computer. It was so saddening! Gosh, it feels so good to be typing on the keyboard again... ANYWAY. Since I have some little time now, it's time to DISH DISH DISH!!!

Awright, so, you know that I and my five friends were planning on going to Universal Studios. OKAY. We already went, and I'm here to tell you all about it! First, the CAR. OMG is was like sooooo funny! So I was blasting Monster by Lady GaGa in the car. And then suddenly it was Oh! by Girls' Generation. Then we ALL started to sing it. It was like a full-on party in there! Then when we saw the castle from Universal Studios, A started screaming and then R started screaming and then J started screaming and then N started screaming and then M started screaming and then I (as in ME) started screaming. So we went through all the crap and then arrived at Madagascar section. We took the carousel first. Okay, yes the plan was in motion. We all screamed for out mums and then pretended to be holding on for our life. But that's not the interesting part. After the merry-go-round we went to the Far Far Away section. I tell you, I think that was the prettiest place in Universal Studios. We went to the Shrek 4D first. OH MY GOD>

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!