Welcome to Hana Tegami!

Welcome to my blog, Hana Tegami! This is the author ShugoOtaku speaking! You can find out all about me down there in the 'About Me' box. The archive can lead you to all the blog posts I've posted so far. You know what? I'm just wasting your time! Go! Enjoy the loveliness that is Hana Tegami!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

First day out with Temari!

Hey ya'll~! It's ShugoOtaku! Now, it's just like any other day today, school, tuition work, com... but something that's different is........................................ I BROUGHT TEMARI OUT TODAY!!!!! Yup, I guess you could make it Temari's outing anniversary. Temari's birthday was on the... 24th of April, yeah. ALRIGHT, so, let me tell you what happened today. Dish dish dish dish DISH!!! Right, so, my school always has a Teachers' Day Performance each year, even though Teachers' Day is like, the 1st of September, we'd like to start practicing NOW. I signed up for it cuz my friends were like, "GO, you're like a super drama queen. Try out for it." And so I was like, "Yeah okay why not it'll be fun." AND OMG it's so intense. It's like some kind of American Idol sort of thing. It's like the first practice was an AUDITION. So I didn't really make it immediately but they called me in for the second audition. Seriously, it was like Idol COMPLETELY. While we were waiting all the others were like, "OMG do you think we'll get through, I'm SOOOOOO nervous!" And I was like WTH?

So then they came out and called individual names one by one. And one by one the people went into the music room. So there were 3 judges, one my age and two one year older. The one my age, said, "I guess you were pretty good, I like your expression." Older No.1 told me, "You were great, your comedy could be useful." I was pretty happy by then, but then it got RUINED, cuz Older No.2 was like, "You are a great actor, but you've got a problem with your attitude." I was like, WTH (again)?! All I did was go in and act the topic (Promoting rice, posing as Mr. Lim)!!! Seriously, I have no idea what's wrong with that. The judges CAN be a little tough. I mean, one of the girls in my Mother Tongue class auditioned, and then Older No.1 said, "That. Was. CRAP!" And my first impression was 'Simon Cowell'. Seriously, my school really takes this crap INTENSE. So I'm warming up for the 2nd audition tonight. Wish me luck~!

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

Friday, April 23, 2010

New iPod!!!

Hi again everyone! It's another hot day here in Singapore again!!! Before I dish, you might just be wondering what the heck is that tiny little girl with purple hair beside Nadashiko. It's Temari. She's... um... let's say... a part of Nadashiko's heart. So, basically Temari and Nadashiko are one person? Right, continuing, I AM AWESOMELY HAPPY.

Why? Well, that's cuz' my Mum agreed to buy me a new iPod for my birthday, and we went to Funan today to get one. Obviously, I chose a hot pink one. She said that if the price was too expensive, she would buy me an iPhone cuz an iPhone would be more worth it. I AGREE, but nooooo, the price was okay, and then I couldn't get my iPhone! It's sort of okay with me, now I have my brand new iPod, and I can like, download all my awesome songs into it. I named it Temari (recognize the name?). Oh yeah, you must be wondering why Temari is the same word as the second word in 'Hana Tegami!'. Uhh, well, you know that Nadashiko does dancing for the Fujisaki, and it's traditional with all the cherry blossom crap. It means.... letter? Yup, letter. I don't even know why they named her Tegami, but maybe it's because of 'Hana Tegami'? Hana Tegami means flower letter, and you might be thinking Hana would be better cuz it's 'flower', but doesn't Tegami just sound better and more Japanese?

Well, I don't know what you think, but either why, Tegami is Tegami, and you can't change the fact that Tegami is Tegami (I'm repeating Tegami over and over?!). Since I don't want to argue with you over whether she should be named Hana or Tegami, but for now, goodbye! And have a good day (or: I hope you had a good one)!

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

Some Updates for April

Hello again, everyone. I will usually do one post a day, but that first post was only a greeting, so here's my real one! Okay, I should update you on my life a bit first before the others start. Right, so, my birthday is coming in a week!!!! YAYYY HAPPY MEEE!!!! Plus, my Mum agreed for me and five of my friends to go to Universal Studios! We are like, SOOOO excited. My two friends were like, rambling about the Battlestar Galactica: Cyclone. And then I came and burst their bubble. I was like, "You know, the Cyclone may be closed when we go there." I felt kinda mean at first, but then if they go there without knowing and then get like, really depressed cuz' the Cyclone isn't open, I'd have myself to blame.

By the way, I went to Universal Studios already. For my cousin's birthday. It was like, AWESOME. Except for the fact that the Battlestar wasn't open. Right, so we went to the King Julien's Carousel first. Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking. A merry-go-round? REALLY?! Trust me, it was only fun cuz' we all pretended we were scared and over-exaggerated until we all burst out laughing. After that, we went to the Shrek 4D show. Let me tell you, it was DAMN good, like seriously. Though I felt like puking everytime the chair jerked, it was pretty nice. We went lunch after that, Friar's. Friar's is REALLY FANTASTIC. They have sandwiches and chips you can put as much salt and savory seaweed on (it's a season- it- yourself thing). Then, we went to the Treasure Hunters thing or something like that. Okay, THAT I did NOT enjoy. It was like, so fake and slow, and then it didn't appeal to me ONE BIT. Oh! Oh! Oh! We went to the Revenge of the Mummy after that. It was like, super great! I tell you it was the best ride out of all the open ones (Battlestar is obviously the pwnage ride). The Jurassic Park got me pretty soaked. not pretty, actually, A LOT><.

Okay then, since I've gave you some April updates, I guess it's time for me to go. Shugo Shugo!!!

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

A Shugo Greeting!

Hey guys, it's ShugoOtaku here. Now, you must be wondering who I am, of course, you can find out all that in the 'About Me' box. And also, what is Hana Tegami? For those who know, Fujisaki Nadashiko is from the anime Shugo Chara (Party)! Well... I LOVE NADASHIKO, I'm a girl so it's just fan thing. Her song, which she sang, is called Hana Tegami. AND I thought that putting Hana Tegami instead of something like 'NADASHIKO ROCKS' is much more elegant. If you can see a girl in a kimono up there at the very top behind the words 'Hana Tegami!' ^^^^^^^^? That's Nadashiko (pronounced Na-desh-ko). She's really pretty, and kind, and like, has the best attitude EVER, and she's fantastic at dancing... Her only fault? She's a guy. Yup, 100% DUDE. If your reaction is:

"OMG she's a dude!"

That was my reaction too. Nadashiko's real name is Nagihiko, and he was raised as a girl for the Fujisaki house reasons (ahem, traditional Japanese fan dance). But, I still love Nada/Nagi all the same. And you should too, it's just the beginning of Hana Tegami! so watch out for what's coming.
Also, I will be posting pictures of Nadashiko after every post. Look out for the one up there!

XOXO, ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

P.S: I will be referring Nada/Nagi as Nadashiko, it brings me comfort to see that my fav character is a girl.