Welcome to Hana Tegami!

Welcome to my blog, Hana Tegami! This is the author ShugoOtaku speaking! You can find out all about me down there in the 'About Me' box. The archive can lead you to all the blog posts I've posted so far. You know what? I'm just wasting your time! Go! Enjoy the loveliness that is Hana Tegami!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm a Rare Blogger..... TinierMe!

Hello there ShugoOtaku lovers! It's me, and I must say, I've been rather busy, it being like, exam period and all. After all this time, I still have time to watch anime and read manga. Just the other day, I went to the store and bought 16 volumes of Ouran High School Host Club and S.A! They are all very good, and I recommend them. If you can't find S.A, the title can also be Special A. Today, I put Nagihiko and Nadeshiko as my picture, because if there was no Nagihiko, there would be no Nadeshiko. This is a very pretty photo, and it's now my wallpaper because it's so absolutely beautiful! I mean, Beat Jumper and Yamato Mai Hime in one AND it's super purty? SCORE. Right then, if you absolutely LOVEEE anime like me (I mean, of course you do!), then you should try out this website, TinierMe. I've started a longgggggggg time ago, and my account's pretty good, but I want all you guys to join too! They have loads of fanclubs, and then there's lots of cosplayers... LOTS AND LOTS of Shugo Chara lovers, Death Note lovers, KHR lovers.... and more! Plus, until this November, TinierMe is in partnership with Vocaloid! What's Vocaloid, you say? WELL I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T KNOW. Not really.... but if you know them and don't like them, THEN I'll kill you. Now, I LOVEEEEE Vocaloid. Vocaloid is not an anime, but a computer program where people can voice over songs with the different voices of different Vocaloids. Personally, I hate the voice over, but their original songs are super awesome! Vocaloid also does a lot of parodies. They have done a Rozen Maiden parody of its opening... and then there is also the parody of the Shugo Chara opening! Yup, so Vocaloid's pretty awesome (actually, they are the AWESOMEST). Kay', so, Vocaloid consists of a lot of characters, so I'll just name you the most popular... First one is Hatsune Miku. Miku is by far the most popular Vocaloid. I'm sure that if you search her picture up on Google Images, you will receive some kind of bell ringing because there are advertisements for Vocaloid and their many partnerships and merchandise all over the internet, and mostly with Miku as the covergirl. Miku's trademark is a leek, because she loves leeks. Then there's the Kagamine twins (WHO I ADORE). The girl twin is called Kagamine Rin, she has a pretty voice and I love her lots. her trademark is a huge steel roller, because she rolls people over with them... Then there's Kagamine Len (KYAAAA~!!). I LOVE HIM TO BITS AND BITS OF PIECES OF AWESOMENESS. He's so hawwwttt and his voice is sooooo good, everytime I hear it I melt melt melt~! Len's trademark is a banana, because he loves bananas. Len, also loves his sister Rin, and would even sacrifice himself to save her, ALL WHILE CROSSDRESSING. Isn't he the best? Afterward, there's Shion Kaito. Kaito is a pretty cool guy. A lot of people like to pair him up as a Kaito X Miku set because they just look good together. His trademark is ice cream!!! Right, then comes Gakupo. Gakupo is pictured as a samurai guy with purple, long hair (I would say his hair is exactly like Nadeshiko's!). I like him... but his voice isn't what I had in mind for a samurai guy with long purple hair. Lastly, there's Meiko. I think her trademark should be booze. I mean, picture her as a lady with short hair, carrying a bottle of liquor. I kinda like Meiko's voice, but then I don't really like Meiko herself. Oh wait, I forgot Merigune Luka! One word: AWESOME. So everybody, so that I can get you a good head start on what to listen, here are some top Vocaloid songs in my playlist!

Re: Packaged by Hatsune Miku.

Eternal Sound by Kagamine Len

Spice! by Kagamine Len

World is Mine by Kagamine Len

World is Mine by Hatsune Miku

Kokoro by Kagamine Rin

Just be Friends by Merigune Luka

Melt! by Shion Kaito


XOXO, A Len Lover called ShugoOtaku, the author of Hana Tegami!

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