Welcome to Hana Tegami!

Welcome to my blog, Hana Tegami! This is the author ShugoOtaku speaking! You can find out all about me down there in the 'About Me' box. The archive can lead you to all the blog posts I've posted so far. You know what? I'm just wasting your time! Go! Enjoy the loveliness that is Hana Tegami!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Minasan Ohaio!!! I am SOOOO sorry I've been like, totally missing out these days, it's just I keep FORGETTING to post things. When I go visit my blog, I originally wanna go and post. BUT THEN. I just get caught on reading all my previous posts. It's like a freaking DISEASE. Right okay... so, my examinations are coming up and I'm totally TO-ed because my Mathematics tuition teacher just like... gave birth, and she's not here to help me!!! It's not her fault... but then WTH am I going to do?! Her baby's name is absolutely adorable. Vera. Nice name, I say, hontoni kirei (really pretty).
Anyhow, I totally have to rant on something. Right, so, in Term 1 of school my friends M, N and R and I (as in ME) used to sit together. So we were like, BFs. And of course I had loads of other BFs. Like AO, or AT, or C, or NT e.t.c... But since M, N, R and I were sitting together, we were like, super tight. Um... I actually discovered Shugo Chara by myself, but I had like, zero spirit to watch it. And N convinced me too. I couldn't find it at first, but J gave me the proper website (Crunchyroll for SC everybody!). But that's not the point. So, for my birthday, I told you all that I invited some friends to Universal Studios. And those friends were M, N, R and AO. They all showed up, and R, AO and I went on the Revenge of the Mummy like, 9 times over. N and M didn't ride anything much. They both rode the Canopy Flyer and the water ride thingy. Oh, make that N rode them both. The only thing N rode was the water ride!!! And at least N rode the Revenge of the Mummy once!!! Like, M totally wasted my money! I even bought fastpass!!!!!!!! Oooooh.... and now she's trying to copy everything I do, and she then she thinks she's the Queen Bee. Well guess what, you might THINK you're Queen Bee, but I'm the Queen B**** to you!!! I'm not anything arrogant, but seriously I am SO PISSED at her!!!!!! And then in P.E class she gets it by a badminton racket. No big deal, but apparently, to M, it hurt to bad she started to cry. CRY. Dude, like, when I was 8, I had two big bloody patches on my knees, one on my face near my eye and one on my elbow. And what did I do? I laughed!!! LAUGHED. In my opinion, she's totally trying to get attention. Oh, and the copying thing? It's totally true. Like, for example, she used to like Pepe. And then when I said Pepe was annoying and Temari was awesomer she switched to Temari the next day and said, "Oh, I just like Temari more now." HELLO. Does she think I'm stupid?! Everybody who knew about this told me M was my wannabe. I've never had one so it was SOOO annoying. UGH. Wannabes are disgusting!!!

XOXO, a totally TO-ed ShugoOtaku, author of Hana Tegami!

1 comment:

  1. I thought M got hit by a rubber frisbee? And i totally agree.
    -K.H (you should noe who i am :D)
